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 Reunion 2022

At long last, our Reunion was held on Saturday, 25 June 2022, despite a rail strike, which prevented so many from attending. Our Reunion was first advertised in 2019, for a Reunion in 2020, but the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns brought an end to that idea - twice! The Reunion was organised by Roger Jeffrey-Perkins (Admin) of the St. Mark's group on Facebook.


After a slow start, the evening picked up and by the end of the evening we surpassed the minimum spend of over £1000 at the bar. Donations helped - thank you so much anonymous donors.

Our Reunion was attended by former students, mainly from the 70s and 80s. Sadly many people could not make it, mainly because of the rail strike, but despite this, it was a joy to see so many reunited; some people had never met since leaving St. Mark’s. Former teacher and student, Lionel Hockley, also attended the Reunion .

The School Reunion offered us the chance to reminisce and catch up with people that share a common past. It was also a great foundation to build future friendships; a chance to share lots of laughter, opportunity to catch up with former teachers/friends and to enjoy ourselves.


Thanks to everyone who supported our Reunion, including the bar staff at the Temperance Billiard Hall, Fulham.

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